In Animal Liberation Now, Peter Singer exposes the chilling realities of today's "factory farms" and product-testing procedures, destroying the spurious justifications behind them and showing us just how woefully we have been misled.
Consider the Turkey
Peter Singer
audiobookDet liv du kan rädda
Peter Singer
bookEthics in the Real World, Revised Edition
Peter Singer
audiobookLos derechos de los simios
Peter Singer, Paula Casal
bookAnimales: filosofía, derecho y política
Peter Singer, Mark Rowlands, Will Kymlicka, Maneesha Deckha
Peter Singer
audiobookEn värld nu : Globaliseringens etik
Peter Singer
bookOne World Now
Peter Singer
audiobookThe Most Good You Can Do
Peter Singer
audiobookEthics in the Real World
Peter Singer
Libérez votre cerveau ! : Traité de neurosagesse pour changer l'école et la société
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