In a fit of pique, Milly Morton — confidential ‘secretary’ to industrialist Mortimer Bland — deliberately smashed the astronomical plates of Bland’s Chief Scientist, Anton Drew. Furthermore, she’d destroyed data which would warn the world of a forthcoming cosmic disaster. The unprecedented violent storms, signs of approaching doom, went unrecognized. Eventually Drew, aided by his friends Ken and Thayleen West, convinced the Prime Minister of the danger — but would it be too late to save the world?
The Petrified Planet
John Russell Fearn
bookTornado Trail
John Russell Fearn
bookThe Phantom Avenger
John Russell Fearn
bookExccept for One Thing
John Russell Fearn
bookThe Man Who Sold the Earth
John Russell Fearn
bookLunar Concession
John Russell Fearn
bookReverse Action
John Russell Fearn
bookThe Case of the Murdered Savants
John Russell Fearn
bookAlice, Where Art Thou?
John Russell Fearn
bookMenace from the Microcosm
John Russell Fearn
bookWar of the Scientists
John Russell Fearn