
BABEL SYNDROME - Mixed Lives Matter


“BABEL SYNDROME - Mixed Lives Matter” by Emmanuel MOTE

The Triumph of Beauty and the Richness of Differences Already translated into French upon its release: “Le Syndrome De Babel ou La Sagesse Oubliée” is an authentic worldwide literary feat! This is the story of Each one nested in the great History of humanity: As if a young adult wondering about the meaning of his existence had suddenly discovered in the attic of his grandparents: The family tree of the Family, revealing hidden secrets to him that will finally give meaning to his life! The author wrote this story based on his life, with the soul of a child ...

A powerful breath carrying him every day to the confines of human reality, like his hero: Stephen J. Jordan who, doing the work of an archaeologist of the original consciousness of humanity, will die of his prejudices, born anew, and rediscover the world! ... Kristy Knowles. Best Literature Finders

What a Book! We have all dreamed of a book that tells us our story hidden deep within ourselves to tell our fantasies, resolve our misunderstandings, tell us what this World is, why we are on Earth and live what we live. …

Why the world is bad and finally how to make it better! Everything is there: Beauty is in our differences and our richness is mutual, where our demons only seek to divide us! Sublime in wisdom, natural beauty, ecology, a lesson in coexistence between the cultures of Earth ... And then, the powerful eroticism and the steamy love scenes between The Hero Stephen J Jordan and Princess Edenia: The most beautiful woman in the world.

I recommend thoroughly! Julie Lechantre. Journalist, Literary Blogger