
Becoming Nigerian


In Be(com)ing Nigerian: A Guide, Elnathan John provides an affecting, unrestrained and satirical guide to the

Nigerians you will meet at home and abroad, or on your way to hell and to heaven. It is a searing look at how power

is performed, negotiated and abused in private and in public; in politics, business, religious institutions and in homes.

From the exploration of religious hypocrisy to inequality in matters of the heart, the collection is a jab at Nigerian

society and what it means to be a Nigerian. Beyond poking fun at the holders of power, it is also a summons, a

provocation and a call for introspection among all levels of society. As is often said in Nigeria, when you point with

one finger, there are four others pointing back at you.

This engrossing read is a must-have for Nigerians on how to move beyond shame and arrogance, and for nonNigerians, a uniquely informative guide on how to accept their awe and envy of Nigerians. It is an invitation for

everyone to embrace and rejoice in their inner Nigerian.

Here is your definitive guide to Be(com)ing Nigerian.

Narrator: Elnathan John
