
Big Girls Need Big Demons


After having successfully removed The Ingress/Black Orlov Diamond from Hell’s grasp, Brenna and March had enjoyed a lengthy vacation. They spent the time getting to know each other better in all possible ways. In that time, bribes to dark web connections altered

Brenna’s criminal record description so that they could move around more easily.

Christmas and New Year’s had been in Bavaria, now they were in a suite in Monte Carlo among the beaches, the sun, and the casinos. It was perfect. So of course, it couldn’t last. A mysterious voicemail pulls them back into the dangerous machinations of Hell’s elite.

Another of the thirteen cursed stones has been revealed. The threat to humanity and Hell is greater this time, and all that stands to stop it is Brenna’s plan. From France to Russia then to London, Brenna and March follow one lead after another to literally piece together

the means to kill one of the more notorious Fallen or send him back to Hell. It will be up to Brenna to come up with the plan, however, since March could easily be compromised by the very gemstone they intend to save. With no allies, a risk of being recognized by the

authorities, and the need to steal the Hope Diamond from the Tower of London, everything is poised against a favorable outcome. Their only weapon against it all is the love and faith they have for each other. Will it be enough to not just pull off a theft in one of the most

secure museums in existence, but to survive against a clever and unpredictable Fallen who will stop at nothing to get what he wants? Big Girls Need Big Demons continues Brenna and March’s story and changes it in ways they could never have predicted.