Magi findes, og nogle bøger bider fra sig. Følg Sal Brooks, den seneste rekrut på en hemmelig magisk mission, mens hun rejser verden rundt for at holde overnaturlige kræfter i skak. Men husk: Hold øjnene åbne, og rør ikke ved noget.
Bogbrænderne: Skilt, bog og lys 1
- 18 books
Max Gladstone
Max Gladstone is the author of the Hugo-nominated Craft Sequence, which Patrick Rothfuss called “stupefyingly good.” The sixth book, Ruin of Angels, was released September 2017. Max’s interactive mobile game Choice of the Deathless was nominated for the XYZZY Award, and his critically acclaimed short fiction has appeared on Tor and in Uncanny Magazine, and in anthologies such as XO Orpheus: Fifty New Myths and The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales. John Crowley described Max as “a true star of 21st-century fantasy.” Max has sung in Carnegie Hall and was once thrown from a horse in Mongolia.
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