En samling essÀer, betraktelser, berÀttelser som alla försöker svara pÄ en enkel men komplicerad frÄga: Vad Àr empati, egentligen? Hur lÀr sig en lÀkare att bli empatisk? Varför vill vi sÄ gÀrna vara empatiska? Vad Àr sÄ intressant med andras smÀrta? Leslie Jamison tar alltid med sig sjÀlv, sin egen olycka, sina egna tillkortakommanden (drickande, Àtstörningar, sorgsenhet) in i texterna. Ibland Àr hon lillasyster till KnausgÄrd, ibland barnbarn till Joan Didion.
- 204 pages
- 3 books
Leslie Jamison
Leslie Jamison was born in Washington, DC, and grew up in Los Angeles. She has worked as a baker, an office temp, an innkeeper, a tutor, and a medical actor. A graduate of Harvard College and the Iowaâs Workshop, she is the author of the essay collection The Empathy Exams, a New York Times bestseller, and the novel The Gin Closet, a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. Her work has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Harper's, and the Oxford American, among others, and she is a columnist for the New York Times Book Review. She teaches at Columbia University and lives in Brooklyn with her family.
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