Geneva 1560 - Bibla Shqiptare 1884 - Türkçe İncil 1878
Bible Louis Segond (1910)
TruthBeTold Ministry, Joern Andre Halseth, Louis Segond
bookBible Français Norvégien
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookBible Français Russe
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Danish Bible - The Gospels III - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Esperanto Polish Bible - The Gospels III - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookBiblia Español Finlandés
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Norwegian Danish Bible - The Gospels II - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookSvensk Turkiska Bibeln
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Norwegian Bible IV
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Polish Bible III
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Esperanto Bible IV
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookBiblia Español Francés II
TruthBeTold Ministry
English Danish Bible No4
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Czech Bible No7
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Albanian Bible No4
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Dutch Bible No7
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish-French Bible No2
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Chinese German Bible
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Parallel Bible No21
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Norwegian Bible II
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish German Bible II - The Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Italian Bible - The Gospels II - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Albanian Armenian Bible - The Gospels
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Bible - The Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
TruthBeTold Ministry