Enhance the energy of your home, workplace, or garden using the principles of the Taoist art of fengshui. This primer will teach you to bring harmonizing, beneficial energy into any space. Taoist arts master Eva Wong introduces listeners to the powerful traditional system of fengshui. It is not simply a list of directives for arranging interiors for good luck—it is the art of reading the patterns of the universe and living in harmony with the environment. Bedrooms with good fengshui maximize health and minimize illnesses. Home offices with good fengshui facilitate business vision and accumulation of wealth. Even garages, driveways, and gardens can affect our health, livelihood, and the way we interact with the world. Whether you are buying, renting, or renovating a home—or you want to change the atmosphere and energy of the home you are in—Wong will teach you to identify and work with the possibilities and limitations of your space. In this concise book, Wong -explains the essential principles and guidelines of fengshui; -offers tips for home buyers, including architectural positives and negatives and neighborhood perks and challenges; -shows you how to assess your indoor and outdoor spaces; -and much more. As the owner of a construction and engineering business, Wong’s recommendations are practical, safe, and economical.
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