Haikus and other shorties is a collection of lyrics Eleonore Blaurock-Busch has worked on for years. Some of the poems listed here have been read by the author at Florence Becker Lennon's US Radio Show Voices of America (where Langston Hughes appeared as well).
Gesammeltes : Lyrik einer Zeitgenössin
Eleonore Blaurock-Busch
bookhealthstyle : Entspannt wachsen. Gelassen leben.
Natascha Aksoy, Ulrich Duprée, Tatjana Reichhart, Jana Hoffmann, Andreas Johann, Eva Reichhardt, Daniela Galitzdörfer, Andrea Wiedau, Patricia Purker, Manuel Burzler, Timo Janisch, Sabine Blang, Katharina Krüger, Isabel Scholz, Eleonore Blaurock-Busch, Julia van Kaldekerken, Astrid Gendolla, Michaela Noll, Afschin Fatemi, Jasmin Kriechel