By improving your communication, you can massively improve the outcomes you get from every interaction. How to Talk to Absolutely Anyone will give you the confidence to talk to people you don't know, make it easier for you to deal with difficult situations, and overcome the barriers, such as fear of rejection, that prevent you from engaging effectively with other people. It will make you more relaxed in social situations and show you how to build rapport. Most importantly, it is designed to massively improve the results you get from your communication. The book is about getting better outcomes from a host of business situations, from disputes, delegation, dealing with appraisals, winning more business and more sales, to being more effective at networking at business and socialevents. You will learn why your current way of communicating doesn't always get the results youre after, and how to adapt your style, including the words you use, the emphasis, tone, your mindset
Communication Skills: Learn How to Talk to Anyone, Read People Like a Book, Develop Charisma and Persuasion, Overcome Anxiety, Become a People Person, and Achieve Relationship Success.
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