Bertrand Russell (1872 1970) was a British philosopher, mathematician, social critic, and political activist. Russell is considered to be one of the founders of analytic philosophy and one of the most important mathematicians and logicians in the 20th century. This edition of Russells Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy includes a table of contents.
The Problems of Philosophy
Bertrand Russell
bookLa conquista de la felicidad
Bertrand Russell
bookAutoridad e individuo
Bertrand Russell
bookSceptical Essays
Bertrand Russell
bookAn essay on the foundations of geometry
Bertrand Russell
bookPhilosophie des Abendlandes
Bertrand Russell
bookEl ingenio y la sabiduría de Bertrand Russell : Aforismos
Bertrand Russell
bookMysticism & Logic and Other Essays
Bertrand Russell
bookThe A B C of Relativity
Bertrand Russell
bookProposed Roads to Freedom
Bertrand Russell
bookThe Problems of Philosophy
Bertrand Russell
bookProposed Roads to Freedom : Socialism, Anarchism & Syndicalism
Bertrand Russell
The Philosophy of Mathematics
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