When young Jack Kennedy's little sister gets tired of playing, Jack suggests a a sail. Within moments Jack is steering the small chip toward Osterville to say hello to Captain Manley. Under darkening clouds the two children head back home -- but they do not make it before a storm hits, threatening their lives. Is young Jack a good enough sailor to bring his sister home to safety?
Walt Disney
Marie Hammontree
bookGeorge Washington
Augusta Stevenson
bookAlbert Einstein
Marie Hammontree
Flora Warren Seymour
bookBabe Ruth
Guernsey Van Riper Jr.
bookAbraham Lincoln
Augusta Stevenson
bookHarriet Tubman
Kathleen Kudlinski
bookMartin Luther King, Jr.
Dharathula H. Millender
bookBetsy Ross
Ann Weil
bookJackie Robinson
Herb Dunn
bookRosa Parks
Kathleen Kudlinski