
Jump First, Think Fast : An Unconventional Approach to High Performance


Super charge your business and career with Frank O’Connell’s unconventional approach to success.

Jump First, Think Fast is the perfect guide for anyone in business or leadership who wants to dive in headfirst, think on their feet, and gain a competitive edge. Frank O’Connell explores success as a process of risk-taking and chasing the unknown, accepting failure and knowing yourself inside and out.

A business visionary, O’Connell has transformed some of the biggest brands in the world—including leading product revolutions at Reebok, HBO Video, SkyBox, Gibson Greetings, and Indian Motorcycles.

Sharing his stories, passion, and proven management methods, O’Connell fosters an unconventional approach to innovation, encouraging people to voice the crazy ideas that will invigorate their businesses and careers. Jump First, Think Fast is a unique blend of personal experiences, business strategies, and mentoring advice based on O’Connell’s phenomenal achievements and his 50+ years on the front lines of leadership, strategy, sales, and marketing.

Far from yet another self-help book for professionals, Jump First, Think Fast throws light on O’Connell’s breakthrough concepts, urging readers to think entirely differently, trust their instincts, and enjoy the ride.

If you’re ready to super charge your business, career, and life. Jump First, Think Fast is the book for you. Order your copy today.