Was macht einen gerechten Staat aus? Was schafft Wohlstand, was Frieden, was müssen wir Menschen lernen? Unsere Box vereint diese Grundlagentexte der politischen Theorie: Die Kunst des Krieges (Sun Tzu), Die Apologie des Sokrates (Platon), Der Fürst (N. Machiavelli), Der Weg zum Wohlstand (B. Franklin), Was ist Aufklärung? (I. Kant), Der hessische Landbote (G. Büchner), Das kommunistische Manifest (K. Marx / F. Engels), Die protestantische Ethik (M. Weber)
Le manifeste du parti communiste
Karl Marx
audiobookManifeste du Parti Communiste
Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx
audiobook100 Quotes by Karl Marx
Karl Marx
audiobookThe Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
audiobookbookCapital : Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy
Karl Marx
audiobookLe Capital
Karl Marx
bookWage Labour and Capital :
Karl Marx
audiobookValue, Price, and Profit :
Karl Marx
audiobookWage-Labour and Capital and Value, Price, and Profit :
Karl Marx
audiobookThe Communist Manifesto :
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
audiobookCapital : Critique of Political Economy, Volume 1
Karl Marx
audiobookThe Communist Manifesto : A Revolutionary Classic that Shaped the World
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The Use of Pleasure
Michel Foucault
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audiobookThe Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism
audiobookSociety in Crisis
Clive Aslet, Phillip Bobbitt, Peter Burke, Gillian Clark, Jonathan Fenby, Peter Frankopan, Jessica Frazier, Lawrence Freedman, Matthew Goodwin, Andrew Graham-Dixon, Johan Hakelius, Vanessa Harding, Tom Holland, Mark Honingsbaum, Alex Lee, Tim Marshall, Lincoln Paine, Iskander Rehman, Donald Sassoon, David Seedhouse, Graham Stewart, Hew Strachan, Helen Thompson, Richard Whatmore, Adrian Wooldridge
audiobookEmpire, Incorporated : The Corporations That Built British Colonialism
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audiobookThe Long Land War
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Sun Tzu
audiobookPsychologie der Massen / Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse : Zwei Standardwerke der Sozialpsychologie von Gustave le Bon und Siegmund Freud
Gustave le Bon, Sigmund Freud