
Manifesto about Women in STEM : 50 Positive and Impactful Texts


In 2022, how are women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) faring?

The Manifesto about Women in STEM is a collection of 50 texts that speak to the population at large. It brings together the thoughts of several authors, including individuals (both women and men) and groups from the school, university and private sector realms, who work with women in STEM in French-speaking Canada. This Manifesto is intended to be positive and impactful, even if work still remains to be done to achieve equity and equality. Several important issues are still current, such as workfamily balance and motherhood without penalty. Issues such as intersectionality, EDI (equity, diversity and inclusion) and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women in STEM are also explored. There are texts that address the intersection of STEM and each of health, the arts, education and philosophy. Others deal with women who experience multiple forms of discrimination, for example Indigenous women and non-heterosexual women in STEM. Pioneers relate their obstacle-ridden but fulfilling journeys. Seven recommendations are proposed for a society looking to achieve equity, diversity and inclusion of women in STEM in an intersectional perspective.

  1. Quelle est la situation des femmes en ingénierie au Québec

    Louise Lafortune, Diane Gagné

  2. Coconstruction en recherche partenariale : Perspectives féministes

    Louise Lafortune, Myriam Gervais

  3. Perspectivas sociopedagógicas para la equidad de las mujeres Cuba-Quebec : Reflexiones colectivas para el cambio

    Louise Lafortune, Elianis Páez Concepción, Marie-Cécile Guillot, Marybexy Calcerrada Gutiérrez, Yaquelin Cruz Palacios, Marlène Clisson, Leidiedis Góngora Cruz, Noëlle Sorin, Rosabel Francisca Medina Sarmiento

  4. Perspectives sociopédagogiques pour l’équité des femmes Cuba-Québec : Réflexions collectives vers des changements

    Louise Lafortune, Vilma Imilce Páez Pérez, Marie-Cécile Guillot, Marybexy Calcerrada Gutiérrez, Marlène Clisson, Leidiedis Góngora Cruz, Noëlle Sorin, Yaquelin Cruz Palacios, Elianis Páez Concepción, Rosabel Francisca Medina Sarmiento

  5. Une approche d’équité sociopédagogique sensible à l’EDI (équité, diversité, inclusion) pour intéresser les filles et les garçons à s’orienter en STIM

    Louise Lafortune

  6. Manifesto about Women in STEM : 50 Positive and Impactful Texts

    Louise Lafortune, Audrey Groleau, Claire Deschênes

  7. Mujeres en situaciones profesionales : Experiencias cubanas y canadienses

    Louise Lafortune

  8. Femmes en situations professionnelles : Expériences cubaines et canadiennes

    Louise Lafortune

  9. Manifeste à propos des femmes en STIM : 50 textes positifs et percutants

    Louise Lafortune, Audrey Groleau, Claire Deschênes

  10. Regards croisés sur la rétroaction et le débriefing : Accompagner, former et professionnaliser

    Michèle Saint-Jean, Nathalie Lafranchise, Chantale Lepage, Louise Lafortune

  11. Accompagnement-formation d’une pratique réflexive-interactive féministe : Le cas de Relais-femmes

    Louise Lafortune

  12. L'accompagnement et l'évaluation de la réflexivité en santé : Des applications en éducation et en formation

    Louise Lafortune
