These twelve essays by international scholars investigate Melanchthon's theological activities as teacher, confessor of the faith, and defender of his doctrine and ecclesiastical policies as they developed within the context of his service of society and church. In the past quarter century Melanchthon researchers have scrutinized older, mostly negative, interpretations of the Preceptor Germaniae. The editors present in this volume precisely focused appraisals of »Master Philip« in his role as theologian at the university and in the service of his own prince and others. By carefully placing his use of Aristotle, his understanding of the nature of training for pastoral ministry, his biblical exegesis in context, by analyzing four of his attempts to formulate Wittenberg teaching in public confession, by assessing how his own writings took on normative character for the church, and by tracing his thinking on the free will and the Lord's Supper in the midst of controversy, these authors offer carefully etched portraits of Melanchthon as Preceptor ecclesiae. This volume contributes to the expansion of our understanding of Melanchthon as key figure in the Wittenberg Reformation and the currents of controversy that have long surrounded the interpretation of his contributions.
Die Reformation in Gestaltungen und Wirkungen : Speyerer Vorträge. Mit einem Geleitwort von Kirchenpräsident i.R. Dr. Christian Schad
Irene Dingel
bookDer Erbsündenstreit (1559-1580)
Irene Dingel
bookVielfalt – Ordnung – Einheit : Kirchengeschichtliche Studien zur Frühen Neuzeit aus den Jahren 1997 bis 2015
Irene Dingel
bookGeschichte der Reformation
Irene Dingel
bookReformation : Zentren - Akteure - Ereignisse
Irene Dingel
bookReformation : Zentren - Akteure - Ereignisse
Irene Dingel
Melanchthon und die Reformierte Tradition
bookThe Myth of the Reformation
bookCalvin and Luther: The Continuing Relationship
bookAugustine of Hippo and Martin Luther on Original Sin and Justification of the Sinner
Jairzinho Lopes Pereira
bookReformation und Rationalität
bookIn-visibility : Reflections upon Visibility and Transcendence in Theology, Philosophy and the Arts
bookKonsolidierung des reformierten Bekenntnisses im Reich der Stephanskrone : Ein Beitrag zur Kommunikationsgeschichte zwischen Ungarn und der Schweiz in der frühen Neuzeit (1500-1700)
Jan-Andrea Bernhard
bookLaw and Religion : The Legal Teachings of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations
bookDie Präsenz Christi im Amt : Am Beispiel ausgewählter Predigten Martin Luthers, 1535–1546
Jonathan Mumme
bookPreparing for Death, Remembering the Dead
bookReformed Majorities in Early Modern Europe