
Steering the Craft : A Twenty-First-Century Guide to Sailing the Sea of Story


From the celebrated Ursula K. Le Guin, "a writer of enormous intelligence and wit, a master storyteller" (Boston

Globe), the revised and updated edition of her classic guide to the essentials of a writer's craft.

Completely revised and rewritten to address the challenges and opportunities of the modern era, this handbook

is a short, deceptively simple guide to the craft of writing. Le Guin lays out ten chapters that address the most

fundamental components of narrative, from the sound of language to sentence construction to point of view.

Each chapter combines illustrative examples from the global canon with Le Guin’s own witty commentary and

an exercise that the writer can do solo or in a group. She also offers a comprehensive guide to working in

writing groups, both actual and online.

Masterful and concise, Steering the Craft deserves a place on every writer's shelf.