
Summary of Cathy Park Hong's Minor Feelings

audiobook & e-book

Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book.

Sample Book Insights:

#1 I had a rare neuromuscular condition called hemifacial spasm, which was triggered by two cranial nerves behind my ear. In 2004, a doctor in Pittsburgh corrected my spasms by inserting a tiny sponge to separate the two entwined nerves. Now, seven years later, I was convinced my spasms had returned. I was afraid that my face would tic uncontrollably.

#2 I went to see a therapist who was contracted with Aetna. She asked me standard questions about my depression, and when I couldn’t remember a time when I’d felt comfort, I broke down in tears.

#3 I have always struggled to prove myself to others. I’m a modern-day scrivener, working five times as hard as others and still not being appreciated for my efforts.

#4 The self-hating Asian is characterized by seeing yourself the way the white majority sees you, and thus becoming your own worst enemy. Your only defense is to be hard on yourself.