
Summary of Tessa West's Jerks at Work


Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book.

Sample Book Insights:

#1 When you’re mean in retail, word gets around. When you’re nasty to people, you’ll be nasty to them. -> When you’re nasty to people, you’ll be nasty to them. When you’re kind to people, they’ll be kind to you.

#2 The kiss up/kick down type is always trying to climb their way to the top, and they’ll do anything they can to get there, including tearing down others.

#3 Kiss up/kick downers are always trying to climb their way to the top. They’ll do anything they can to get there, including tearing down others. They’re typically small-time with their sabotage, but they can be very effective.

#4 People like Dave are attracted to competitive jungles, where the CEO makes five hundred times as much as entry-level employees. They enjoy the stress-reducing benefits of hierarchies, even if they’re at the bottom.