The first-person account of how a small band of Green Berets used horses and laser-guided bombs to overthrow the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan after 9/11.
Swords of Lightning
- 1 book
Mark Nutsch
Mark Nutsch served in the Army as a Ranger and Special Forces officer, deploying on multiple combat tours. In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, he led one of the first Special Forces teams into northern Afghanistan. There, he advised the resistance leadership, helping to unite the disparate forces against the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Fighting on horseback much of the time, Nutsch and his team spearheaded the unconventional warfare operations that liberated the country. Featured in multiple books and films, Nutsch is a sought-after speaker, lecturing often on leadership and military topics.
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Bob Pennington
Retired Senior Warrant Officer Bob Pennington served in the Army for thirty-plus years. He’s commanded Green Berets in combat and trained candidates attending the Special Forces Q-Course. Pennington has written military doctrine, as well as lectured and consulted on film, books, and military monographs. He was recently inducted as a Distinguished Member of the Special Forces Regiment and the Georgia Military Veterans’ Hall of Fame. He and Mark are principals in the company that produces Horse Soldier Bourbon, an award-winning American liquor.
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Jim DeFelice
Jim DeFelice has written more than a dozen novels, including the New York Times bestselling Dale Brown's Dreamland and Stephen Coonts' Deep Black series. His other novels include Cyclops One and Threat Level Black, published by Pocket Star Books.
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