Eating nutritionally balanced, all-vegan meals can be a tough task—after all, broccoli doesn't come with food labels. Now, vegan readers don't have to question how wholesome their healthy food really is or how they'll add sufficient protein to their diet. The Daily Vegan Planner pairs twelve weeks of meal plans with journaling space to help new vegans follow a clear-cut strategy as they transition into their new lifestyle. Each day, readers will: eat four practical, nutritious, and tasty vegan meals; track essential nutrients—from carbs and protein, to calcium and B12; record types of food they ate on a vegan food pyramid; and journal about food discoveries, daily challenges, and kitchen notes. From the moment they write their vegan mission statement to the time they debrief themselves on Week 12, readers will find themselves fully engaged in making a difference in their lives—and the world—one meal at a time.
The Vegan Pregnancy Cookbook: Over 200 Recipes to Keep You and Baby Happy and Healthy for All Three Trimesters (and Beyond)!
Lorena Novak Bull, Jolinda Hackett
bookThe Daily Vegan Planner: Twelve Weeks to a Complete Vegan Diet Transition
Jolinda Hackett
bookCookouts Veggie Style!: 225 Backyard Favorites - Full of Flavor, Free of Meat
Jolinda Hackett
bookThe Everything Vegan Cookbook
Jolinda Hackett, Lorena Novak Bull
Contrôler sa fertilité au naturel : Contraception et conception
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bookLa phytothérapie de la femme : Accompagner au quotidien les cycles de la femme
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bookNaan & Curries : Les meilleures recettes indiennes
Sandra Salmandjee
bookGoûts d'Afrique : Recettes et rencontres
Anto Cocagne
bookLiban : Toutes les bases de la cuisine libanaise
Fadia Zeidan
Audrey Cosson
bookProtéines végétales super faciles : Pois chiches, lentilles, quinoa, sarrasin & cie
Amélie Roman
bookCuisine Végétarienne : Toutes les bases, les produits, les recettes
Kié Laure
bookL'Impossible retour
Amélie Nothomb