Since the late 1990s, MHS has administered an emotional intelligence (EQ-i) test to over 500,000 people in 56 countries and has consequently built a data bank about emotional intelligence. The results clearly indicate links between emotional intelligence and proven success in peoples lives. Case studies in the book show how EQ-i has predicted and assisted in the success of people in a wide variety of fields, from the military to professional sports, from bankers and doctors to collection agents, teachers and journalists. This book shows how EQ can be determined and effectively improved upon on an individual basis. Only in recent years have psychologists begun to appreciate the powerful links between emotional intelligence and a greater, more satisfying and well-rounded definition of success that embraces the workplace, marriage and personal relationships, social popularity and well-being. IQ does not and cannot predict success in life. EQ on the other hand has been found to be directly
The EQ Edge