
The Exhaustion Breakthrough: Unmask the Hidden Reasons You're Tired and Beat Fatigue for Good


A CBS News Medical Contributor’s definitive and prescriptive guide to correcting one of women’s top health complaints: inexplicable exhaustion—available as an audiobook read by the author.

It’s become the norm to complain that we’re always tired. It is Dr. Holly Phillips’s goal to change the accepted state of exhaustion and send a message to women that they don’t have to be drained of energy just because they have a demanding job, a family, an active social life, or all three. In The Exhaustion Breakthrough, Dr. Holly explains the insidious nature of fatigue, educating listeners on why sleep is just a tiny part of the picture and describing in detail the havoc that persistent tiredness wreaks on the body and mind.

Dr. Holly’s passion for the subject stems from the quest to cure her own constant weariness, which she struggled with for more than twenty years, as well as the countless complaints of chronic exhaustion she hears from patients each day in her internal medicine practice. Dr. Holly was diagnosed with everything from depression and recurrent mononucleosis to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome before finally landing on a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, and she knows that getting the correct diagnosis is incredibly relieving and empowering. While some listeners might find a link between their fatigue and a possible medical condition, Dr. Holly also knows that a greater number of women have discovered non-disease-related factors that are contributing to their lack of energy—and that is empowering, too. These women will come away with actionable advice on how to mitigate each of them with diet and lifestyle changes and, when appropriate, by using alternative therapies including acupuncture, massage, yoga, and herbal supplements.

The Exhaustion Breakthrough helps women understand their exhaustion, rule out any underlying illnesses, correct any allergies or hormonal issues that may be contributing to extreme tiredness, and incorporate lifestyle factors that will improve overall energy. Clear, comprehensive, and practical, Dr. Holly’s guide shines a bright light on an issue many women have simply accepted—but that they don’t have to any longer.

Narrator: Holly Phillips


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