
The George Bernard Shaw Collection


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George Bernard Shaw was one of the greatest playwrights in English literature and was very influential in 20th century theater. Shaw's plays are noted for their critical nature of society during his day. This collection includes the following:



Major Barbara

Man and Superman

The Philanderer

Mrs. Warren’s Profession

Arms and the Man


The Man of Destiny

You Never Can Tell

The Devil’s Disciple

Ceasar and Cleopatra

Captain Brassbound’s Conversion

The Admirable Bashville

The Revolutionist’s Handbook and Pocket Companion

John Bull’s Other Island

How He Lied to Her Husband

The Doctor’s Dilemma

Getting Married

The Glimpse of Reality

Press Cuttings

The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet


Dark Lady of the Sonnets

Fanny’s First Play


Androcles and the Lion

The Great Catherine

The Inca of Perusalem

O’Flaherty V.C.

Augustus Does His Bit

Annajanska, the Bolshevik Empress

Heartbreak House

Back to Methuselah


The Irrational Knot

Cashel Byron’s Profession

An Unsocial Socialist


The Miraculous Revenge


The Perfect Wagnerite

Maxims for Revolutionists

A Treatise on Parents and Children

On the Prospects of Christianity

The Impossibilities of Anarchism