Once upon a time there lived two lasses, who were sisters, and as they came from the fair they saw a right handsome young man standing at a house door before them. They had never seen such a handsome young man before. He had gold on his cap, gold on his finger, gold on his neck, gold at his waist! And he had a golden ball in each hand. He gave a ball to each lass, saying she was to keep it; but if she lost it, she was to be hanged.
The Laidly Worm
Flora Steel
bookThe Black Bull of Norroway
Flora Steel
bookTitty Mouse And Tatty Mouse
Flora Steel
Flora Steel
bookThe Three Little Pigs
Flora Steel
bookJack The Giant-Killer
Flora Steel
bookLazy Jack
Flora Steel
bookThe Two Sisters
Flora Steel
bookThe Three Sillies
Flora Steel
bookThe Three Feathers
Flora Steel
bookSt. George of Merrie England
Flora Steel
The Three Feathers
Flora Steel
bookJack The Giant-Killer
Flora Steel
Flora Steel
bookThe Black Bull of Norroway
Flora Steel
Flora Steel
bookThe Story of The Three Bears
Flora Steel
bookThe Golden Snuff-Box
Flora Steel
bookSt. George of Merrie England
Flora Steel
bookThe Three Little Pigs
Flora Steel
bookThe Two Sisters
Flora Steel
bookThe Laidly Worm
Flora Steel