In "The Happy Return," C. S. Forester introduces readers to the daring and resourceful Captain Horatio Hornblower. Set during the Napoleonic Wars, the novel follows Captain Hornblower's adventures as he commands the HMS Lydia on a secret mission to the Pacific coast of Central America. Tasked with supporting a local rebellion against Spanish rule, Hornblower faces numerous challenges, including battles at sea, treacherous weather, and the enigmatic Lady Barbara Wellesley. Throughout the story, Hornblower's ingenuity, bravery, and complex character are on full display, making "The Happy Return" a thrilling and engaging nautical adventure.
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C. S. Forester
bookLieutenant Hornblower
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bookHornblower and the Atropos
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bookLieutenant Hornblower
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bookGreyhound : Den gode herden
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bookJagten på Bismarck
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bookDeath to the French
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bookHornblower and the Atropos
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bookPayment Deferred
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bookBrown on Resolution
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