„The Huntress” written by Hulbert Footner who was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His first published works were travelogues of canoe trips on the Hudson River and in the Northwest Territory along the Peace River, Hay River and Fraser River. He also wrote a series of northwest adventures during the period 1911 through 1920. Published in 1922, here a frontier love story with a tough, but intriguing heroine and a reluctant, at first weak, but eventually worthy lover.
Black Cat Weekly #101
Phyllis Ann Karr, Neil S. Plakcy, Anne Swardson, Hal Charles, Joseph Payne Brennan, Stephen Marlowe, Hulbert Footner, Nicholas Carter, Francis Beeding
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Hulbert Footner
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Hulbert Footner
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Hulbert Footner
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Hulbert Footner
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Hulbert Footner
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Hulbert Footner
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Hulbert Footner
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Hulbert Footner
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Hulbert Footner