
This Year I Will


Are you really ready to change? Take this quiz and find out.

Every New Year's Day, my list of resolutions is:

Ambitious. I aim for everything from losing weight to saving more money for retirement.

Realistic. I just try to bump my good behavior up a notch--be a better friend, give more money to charity---without giving myself any strict deadlines or goals.

Precise. I decide exactly how many men I will ask for a date, or how many new jobs I will apply for.

Whenever I decide to change something, it's usually because:

My doctor has put the fear of God into me.

I read a magazine article about why making this change is important.

I start daydreaming about how great life will be after I make the change.

True or False: When you want to make a big change in your life, timing is crucial.

Failure is:



Not in my vocabulary.

Learn the secret to making changes that stick

Every so often people get inspired (again!) to lose weight, to get organized, to start saving, o

Narrator: M. J. Ryan
