
Thyroid Balance : Traditional and Alternative Methods for Treating Thyroid Disorders


If you are one of the more than 14 million Americans who suffers from a thyroid disorder, knowingly or unknowingly, Thyroid Balance is the key to restoring your health and well-being. Never before has there been a comprehensive guide that explains all the traditional and alternative methods available for treating thyroid disorders, and allows you to become an active participant in designing a balanced, practical treatment program.

Using the amassed knowledge of twenty-five years at the forefront of the complementary medicine movement, Dr. Glenn S. Rothfeld answers every question the thyroid patient might have, including how to: recognize a thyroid condition determine if the adrenal gland is the real culprit distinguish between hypo, hyper, autoimmune, and subclinical conditions integrate conventional and alternative treatments know what to do when treatment fails get your metabolism and your body thermostat back under control control weight gain and loss and so much more!


  • E-book


  • • 213 pages



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