'Verses of a V.A.D' is a collection of poems written by Vera Brittain. She was an English Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD) nurse, writer, feminist, socialist, and pacifist. The poems featured are based on Brittain's experience serving as a nurse in World War I, and include the following titles: 'To A Fallen Idol', 'The Only Son', 'Looking Westward', 'May Morning', 'The Two Travellers'.
Vermächtnis einer Jugend : Autobiographie
Vera Brittain
bookTierra de nadie : (Poesía inglesa de la Gran Guerra)
Rolando Costa Picazo, Edmund Blunden, Robert Graves, Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenberg, Siegfried Sassoon, Marian Allen, Nora Bomford, Vera Brittain, Eleanor Farjeon, Charlotte][AUTHOR Mew, Elizabeth Underhill