
When DEATH Came To CHAT ! Autopsy of Suicide


The greatest secret of all time revealed! Mankind's most powerful predator, Suicide, is finally defeated! The author: A multi-recidivist suicidal, whose childhood was plagued by the screams of his mother, who was trapped every week in the bathroom under the blows from his father: Had ended up asking his father to pay for self-defense classes, because he too was being beaten up at school: Being stunned by the violence of a classmate by which he expressed as by an incomprehensible solidarity: The martyrdom of his mother! However, on many occasions, he underwent a phenomenon of projection, trying to avenge his mother by responding with violence to the wickedness of his young friends, and invariably ending up in the role of his mother! But his father refused to give him self-defense lessons: as if he was afraid he would use them to defend his mother?

It is then that the young teenage student will try for the first time to "make himself die..." according to the expression used in the poignant anecdote contained in this book... Then later, having become a university student, he attempted suicide: Following a heartache inflicted by a girl in whom he had placed all his hope in love; but who having detected the intimate flaws of his soul, had cruelly taken advantage of this "rich kid" To throw his heart in the garbage! And yet, if death had opened its floodgates to Emmanuel, he had miraculously risen from it every time! So much so that one stormy night: Death entered her room for chatter, reproaching the man for having deceived satan so often!... This is how the author in this singular interaction : Will discover the secrets of victory over depression and suicide, which he unveils after 10 years of research with psychiatrists, investigations among other suicidal people, families of suicidal people, until he understood, thanks to a biblical revelation: That he had discovered what all the specialists in the field and the victims of depression did not know: For now being able to deliver an Elixir, an antidote against Suicide:

This invisible predator which kills in silence... Under the radar of the world's media: More than cancer, AIDS, and Covid-19 combined!

Emmanuel MOTE will finally become French karate champion and medalist of the European Shukokai Karate Championships; then in 2004: Founding President of the Association Ekklesia France against pedophilia in the Church - Sects, violence against women, and for the development of all individuals regardless of their origin. The profits from the sale of the book "WHEN DEATH CAME TO CHAT – Autopsy of Suicide & Terrorist Martyr" will be entirely dedicated to the Humanitarian Association Ekklesia against Pedophilia in the CHURCH - Domestic Violence and for the Welfare of all individuals regardless of their origins.

Rebecca Vadim. Blogger