Title: Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V Cookbook
Edition: Second Edition
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Hyper-V 2016 is full of new features and updates. The second of our best-selling Hyper-V books, the Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V Cookbook has it all covered. Brimming with expert solutions and techniques, you'll have everything you need to master virtualization and Hyper-V Manager.
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This Hyper-V book is designed to help advanced-level administrators benefit fully from the new Windows Server. With over 80 hands-on recipes, the Hyper-V Cookbook gives you tips, tricks and best practices to deploy, maintain and upgrade your virtual machines.
Bulleted List:
With this book, you'll learn about:
Installing and managing Hyper-V Server in Full, Server Core, and Nano Server
Migrating and upgrading physical and virtual machines
Configuring network, memory, security, and auditing settings for virtual machines
High availability and disaster recovery
Saving time and money with PowerShell automation
The new features around network and nested virtualization, distributed storage QoS, Hyper-V Replica, and much more
Monitoring, reporting, and troubleshooting with Hyper-V 2016 best practices
Deploying and automating multiple VMs and support Windows Hyper-V 2016 clusters through different installation methods