
Charlotte: Prowling for Enchantment


Sail away on a moonlit adventure! Itā€™s the readers who guide Charlotteā€™s romantic fate in the Dare to Decide seriesā€™ next interactive erotic ebook. From the mermaid beach to the fairy ball, you steer Charlotteā€™s passions with the click of a link.

Finally, itā€™s Charlotteā€™s time for a sexy singleā€™s cruise, the kind of trip Gram would have loved. Umbrella drink in hand, she finds herself with a choice...a tawny Viking of a man beckons from across the bar, while a leather-clad rocker gets tossed at her feet. Neither man is as human as he seems, but then again, neither is Charlotte.

Before she knows it, Charlotteā€™s dodging curses and negotiating extraordinary pleasure. The elder tales warned us against trusting a pretty face. Do you dare to decide where Charlotte goes next? Find your way through the eleven mysterious, magical endings.