
Save as Draft


SAVE AS DRAFT @Readers A love triangle evolving over e-mails, texts, and Facebook messages that makes you wonder if the things we leave unsaidā€”or rather unsentā€”could change the story of our lives.

6:59 PM Feb. 14th via twitterfeed

Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011

From: Izabell

To: Reader

Subject: Save as Draft

Are we Facebook friends yet? Iā€™m the wactress (waitress/actress) turned lawyer who lives her life online. (Donā€™t we all these days?)

Anyway, Iā€™ve got this problem. . . . Thereā€™s this guy. His nameā€™s Peter. Heā€™s my best friend and co-worker, and we just started dating, which is potentially a huge mistake. But, thatā€™s not all. Thereā€™s this other guy, Marty. I met him on eHarm, and he ran with the bulls in Spain. I canā€™t get him off my mind. What a mess. Iā€™d love your advice if you can take a second out of your crazy, high-tech life. Shoot me an e-mail. Or text me. Or BB messenger me.

And friend me if you havenā€™t already! You can find me on Facebook under Save as Draft.
