Frank Aubrey, the author of „The Devil Tree of Eldorado,” has ventured again to write a wild and romantic tale of adventure. „A Queen of Atlantis” is the second of his trilogy of novels. This story relates the discovery of a telepathic race living in the Sargasso Sea. A wonderful tale of the mythical continent, told with outstanding imaginative ingenuity, chronicling the adventures of the near-immortal Monella. The reader’s interest is sustained from the start and the experiences are thrilling!
Das Vermächtnis des Verbrechers: Krimi
Frank Aubrey
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Alfred Bekker, W. A. Hary, Frank Aubrey
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Alfred Bekker, Frank Aubrey, Malcolm Jameson, Florence Carpenter Dieudonné
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Alfred Bekker, Carol East, Ann Murdoch, Frank Aubrey
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Frank Aubrey
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Frank Aubrey
bookEine Königin von Atlantis: Die Monella Chroniken 2: Fantasy
Frank Aubrey
bookDer Teufelsbaum von El Dorado: Die Monella Chroniken 1: Fantasy
Frank Aubrey
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Frank Aubrey
bookThe Devil-Tree of El Dorado
Frank Aubrey
bookKing of the Dead
Frank Aubrey
bookA Queen of Atlantis
Frank Aubrey