
Addressing the Basics of EFL Classrooms : Key Elements for Pre-Service Teachers

Livre numérique

This textbook is intended for pre-service English teachers who are beginning their teaching path. It examines the key aspects that can guide better a comprehension in their teaching contexts. In this textbook, the reader will find useful theoretical principles followed by a series of practical exercises. This textbook is divided into ten elements. Elements one and two focus on helpful terminology related to education. Elements three and four emphasize some of the factors that affect foreign language learning. Element five explores communicative competence. Element six suggests that depending on the context, there are diverse roles a teacher might assume to account for students' needs. Element seven emphasizes some of the Colombian educational policies pre-service teachers need to be aware of in order to adjust to their teaching contexts. Element eight provides insightful principles to teach in diverse contexts. Element nine is about teaching in rural contexts. The final element helps pre-service teachers reflect upon the importance of reviewing and reflecting. All of these aspects might meaningfully influence preservice teachers' pedagogical practices through reflection about classroom realities they may face.

  1. El escudo de Perseo o de la escritura en pandemia

    Clara Liliana Casteblanco Cifuentes, Nelson D'Olivares Durán

  2. Herramientas para el análisis estadístico de datos biológicos en R

    Adriana López, Mónica L. Rojas Peña, Alex L. Rojas

  3. Ciencia Recreativa para la Educación Primaria : Hacer, pensar y conocer la ciencia escolar

    Nidia Yaneth Torres Merchán, Camilo Andrés Montenegro

  4. Didáctica reflexiva sobre los delitos contra la vida y la integridad personal en Colombia

    Luz Mireya Mendieta Pineda, Ómar Huertas Díaz, Edson Romario Pérez Martínez

  5. Topología: un curso introductorio. Volumen I

    Héctor Julio Suárez Suárez, Pedro Nel Maluendas Pardo, Robinson Julian Serna Vanegas

  6. Introducción a Python para Estudiantes de Ciencias

    Adriana López, Alex L. Rojas

  7. La productividad en el servicio

    Diana Cristina Rodríguez Moreno

  8. Educación, ciudadanía y civilidad. : La trayectoria del programa escolar del radicalismo en el siglo XIX

    Julio Izaquita

  9. Determinación de los parámetros morfométricos en cuencas empleando Sistemas de Información Geográfica

    Diego Fernando Gualdrón Alfonso, José Julián Villate Corredor, Daniela Lorena Torres Villamil, Jeisson Fernando Molina Reyes, Carlos Andrés Reyes Rodríguez

  10. Matemáticas Discretas: : Con un enfoque desde la ingeniería y ciencias sociales - Conceptos básicos

    María Yazmín Abril Fernández, Yusely Johana Sánchez Hernández, Maribel Martínez Montaña

  11. EduKhándonos para la vida: : bienestar y ciudadanía

    Nancy Lizeth Ramírez-Roncancio, Virgelina Castellanos-Páez, Lady Mayerli Vergara-Estupiñán, David Eduardo Cuesta-Bernal, Andrea Pilar del Hernández-Angarita, Gina Alejandra Díaz-Espinosa, Aura Cristina Sierra-Ariza, Liseth Natalia Camargo-Castillo, Laura Daniela López-Arévalo, Dilsa Yamile Rodríguez Ochoa, Nelly Estella Pardo Espejo

  12. Apuntes de estructuras algebraicas

    Omaida Sepúlveda Delgado, Robinson Julian Serna Vanegas, Nelsy Rocío González Gutiérrez
