
Agile Product Management: Release Planning: 21 Steps to Plan Your Product Releases & Stakeholder Engagement: 21 Tips

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Agile Product Management Just Got Easier Thank you and congratulations on taking this class, Release Planning: 21 Steps to Plan Your Product Release. In this class we will discuss some actionable steps and strategies on how to build a release plan using 21 easy to follow agile techniques. I am confident that you will find this class extremely valuable irrespective of your level of knowledge about scrum and release planning. We will start by building a strong foundation about scrum and release planning then move on to discussing the specific steps that you can follow to build a successful release plan. I won't stop there; I will go on to explain some very effective tips and tricks on how to master and improve release planning in your team or business from the ground up. And, as with my other classes, I will give you plenty of examples to illustrate how best to implement scrum in product development and release planning. In this class you will learn: A brief recap of agile and scrum principles What a release plan is and how it helps the team and stakeholders to set reliable expectations How a release plan is built for a single release The steps involved in building a release plan including starting from the product vision, including stakeholders, using the road map, and building the release plan from the product backlog How and when to conduct the release planning meeting and why it is important Concise techniques for improving your release backlog How to maintain a release plan So let's get started, and let me teach you how to improve release planning for your product using agile scrum.

Narration : Randal Schaffer
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