Colloidal silver is one of those rare substances that offers extreme benefits with few side-effects, unlike many of the commercially available prescription drugs on the market today. Used for centuries, this amazing suspension is considered nature's antibiotic, curing or easing everything from antibiotic resistant infections like staph to skin rashes, headaches to acne, lupus to Pink Eye, and so much more. NASA has even utilized colloidal silver as a way to purify water for the astronauts, eliminating the dangerous need for chlorine. With such an arsenal of uses and benefits associated with Colloidal Silver, it is no wonder that science is taking a hard look at this substance, discovering new avenues for treatments daily and confirming what Natural Medicine has long known... Colloidal Silver needs to be in your medicine cabinet. This guide explains everything you need to know about this prestigious and almost miraculous suspension, from where to get it to how to use it, what to use it for and what dangers may be associated with it. For anyone seeking to incorporate Colloidal Silver into their daily health routine, this is the book you need to read.
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