
How Not To Give a Shit!: The Art of Not Caring

Livre numérique

Would you like to learn how to stop giving a damn?There are situations where we just need to remove emotional attachments to people and situations to function properly. Sometimes, it consumes us, we have to take drastic measures, alter our values, beliefs and perception of the world just to stop caring!

In this book we go into great detail on the forces why we care (when this is not a luxury), and how we can temporarily (or permanently if you like) dismantle these elements that cause us to care! To liberate ourselves from caring too much, stop caring what others think-to make us emotionally detached and solid like a rock!

If you want to possess this ability? A required skill set for Professionals in fields dealing with people e.g. persuasion, seduction, contact sales etc, then this book is a must-read! Arm yourself now and protect yourself from being over run by your emotions! Learn the Art of NOT caring and stop giving a flying f*ck!

Warning! Some advice in this book may seem cold and heartless. I am merely giving you options! You don't have to use them all. Just use the mindsets or tools you're comfortable with.

Table of contents


Survival and Replication values

Emotional Discharging

Changing Mindsets

Abundance Mentality

A Dash of Superiority Complex

The Psychopath


Not Created Equal

Pleasing Others For The Sake Of Pleasing

World Realities Versus Your Own Reality

Personal Bubble

The Bufferzone

Social Conditioning

Know Thyself

Why Do You Care Again?


Ego Feeding Frenzy

Self-esteem Versus Ego
