Mother, will the little prince be there? "Yes, my son. He never leaves his mother's side. You will see them all today, if fortune favours us--the good King Henry, his noble queen, to whom he owes so much, and the little prince likewise. We will to horse anon, that we may gain a good view of the procession as it passes. The royal party lodges this night at our good bishop's palace. Perchance they will linger over the Sunday, and hear mass in our fair cathedral, Our loyal folks of Lichfield are burning to show their love by a goodly show of welcome; and it is said that his majesty takes pleasure in silvan sports and such-like simple pleasures, many preparations for the which have been prepared for him to witness."
The Lost Treasure of Trevlyn : A Story of the Days of the Gunpowder Plot
Evelyn Everett-Green
bookDrifted ashore; or, a child without a name : A child's forgotten past on the Victorian shore
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bookEustace Marchmont: A friend of the people : Empathy and Injustice: A Victorian Tale of Friendship and Social Realism
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bookThe Lord of Dynevor
Evelyn Everett-Green
bookIn the Wars of the Roses
Evelyn Everett-Green