The war-weary Alliance First Fleet, commanded by Admiral John "Black Jack" Geary, is scores of lightyears from human-controlled space. After narrowly escaping the deadly enigma race they were sent to evaluate, the fleet is facing a second, even more hostile, alien species in an unknown star system. Geary is determined to make it home before danger can strike humanity again. To fight his way out of the alien trap, all he has to do is hold the fleet together, despite everything that threatens to break it apart.
The Doomed Earth: Destiny's Way
Jack Campbell
bookDestiny's Way
Jack Campbell
audiobookIn Our Stars
Jack Campbell
audiobookThe Doomed Earth - In Our Stars
Jack Campbell
bookLa flota perdida 1: Intrépido
Jack Campbell
bookThe Lost Fleet: Outlands - Implacable
Jack Campbell
Jack Campbell
audiobookThe Lost Fleet: Outlands - Resolute
Jack Campbell
Jack Campbell
Jack Campbell
audiobookbookThe Pirates of Pacta Servanda
Jack Campbell
audiobookShattered Spear
Jack Campbell