As a demonstration of expertise, students have to have a large vocabulary pool on which to draw in writing the continuous assessment essay (CAE) and final-year project that culminate in the award of the classes of the degrees of their choice. Yet, no teacher’s laudatory efforts can enable his or her students to perform excellently well without the latter taking part of the responsibility for their own learning in such a way as to learn to go beyond the constraints of the use of the common everyday vocabulary item, as stressed in the classroom, and making choice pickings from that additional pool of words they come to know about from their own efforts at pleasurable reading of many kinds. Once the vocabulary pool has been enhanced, it is then put to good use in bouts of writing – assigned both in the classroom and outside it. It is to that end that this introductory book was written.
Language for Academic Purposes
Auteur(e) :
Format :
Durée :
- 201 pages
Langue :