We buy local and eat local. So why is it so hard to invest local? The truth is, our financial markets have evolved to serve big business, a fact only underscored by the recent financial crisis and bailout. Wall Street has come roaring back, but Main Street is fighting for its life. In catering to those companies deemed too big too fail, weve created a new group that could be labeled too small too succeed. Author Amy Cortese believes that by investing locally, in the companies that create jobs and healthy communities, we can begin to rebuild the economy and repair our tattered financial system Locavesting is a how- to guide for investing locally and explores the emerging phenomenon of locavesting through narrative accounts of people like Dante Hess, Chris Lindstrom and Woody Tasch, who are the pioneers of this movement -- the Muhammad Yunuss of the capital markets. She also illustrates how, in many ways, locavesting is a return to the very roots of our economic system -- and our humanity. The book offers a totally fresh perspective on investing and explores powerful new ideas for making capitalism work again for the rest of us.
Locavesting : The Revolution in Local Investing and How to Profit From It
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