In the first installment of Kelly Jamieson's Aces Hockey series, a fun-loving free spirit tempts an uptight hockey star into opening himself up to love. Contains mature themes.
Crossing the Line - A BRAND NEW brother's best friend Hockey Romance for 2025 (Unabridged)
Kelly Jamieson
audiobookHer Stand-In Boyfriend
Kelly Jamieson
audiobookGame Changer
Kelly Jamieson
audiobookFor the Win
Kelly Jamieson
Kelly Jamieson
audiobookWin Big
Kelly Jamieson
audiobookIn It to Win It
Kelly Jamieson
audiobookPlay to Win
Kelly Jamieson
audiobookGame On
Kelly Jamieson
audiobookBig Stick
Kelly Jamieson
audiobookPlaying Hurt
Kelly Jamieson
audiobookSlap Shot
Kelly Jamieson