Hit the lights and jump in the fire, youre about to enter the School of Rock! Todays lecture will be a crash course in brain surgery. This hard and fast lesson is taught by instructors who graduated from the old schoolthey actually paid $5.98 for The $5.98 EP. But back before these philosophy professors cut their hair, they were lieutenants in the Metal Militia. Metallica is the thinking mans metal band and the headbangers CNN. Snobs and music critics have often dismissed Metallica as mindless noise; were here to set the record straight. In pursuit of truth no matter where it lies, this book considers questions that philosophers have been pondering for ages, including: Does Metallicas music provide an Aristotelian catharsis or does it just make kids go postal? Can Fade to Black save you from suicide? Are we all in the Sanitarium? How can we Escape to be free? What can Nietzsche tell us about the God That Failed? What can Descartes and One tell us about the relat
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