
Personal Evolution 4-Book Box Set: Likability, Charisma, Productivity, Critical Thinking, & Assertiveness

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4 bestselling books - 900 pages of actionable and practical material - at a huge discount.

#1: The Science of Likability: 60 Evidence-Based Methods to Radiate Charisma, Make a Powerful Impression, Win Friends, and Trigger Attraction [2019 Edition]

- Understand human psychology and the elements of great first impressions and deep friendships.

- Learn how to be more likable, charming, conversationally quick, and desirable.

#2: Take Rapid Action: Get Productive, Motivated, & Energized; Stop Overthinking & Procrastinating

- Tactics to beat procrastination and achieve your goals more quickly and efficiently - even if you're super lazy.

- The best psychological techniques for quick action and productivity.

#3: The Art of Everyday Assertiveness: Speak Up. Set Boundaries. Say No. Take Back Control. Get What You Want.

- How to say no to people, how to stand your ground, and how to finally ask for what you want.

- How to set your personal and emotional boundaries, and avoid toxic people.

#4: The Art of Clear Thinking: Mental Models for Better Reasoning, Judgment, Analysis, and Learning. Upgrade Your Intellectual Toolkit.

- How to see reality and avoid common/advanced thinking errors.

- Techniques to understand more deeply and never be fooled.

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