The essential companion for lovers of the contemporary novel. Featuring famous names from across the United Kingdom, United States, and the wider Anglophone world, ranging from Salman Rushdie to Sarah Waters, Toni Morrison to Hilary Mantel, this is a work of remarkable synthesis and clarity-an enjoyably opinionated guide to our current literary landscape.
Ungdomsoprørets filosofi
Peter Kemp
bookTeologi og videnskab
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bookNyt lys over Marx
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bookNye franske filosoffer 1940-1970
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bookFilosofiske portrætter
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bookMarxismen i Frankrig
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bookLøgnen om dannelse : Opgør med halvdannelsen
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bookKlimabevidsthedens barrierer
Peter Kemp, Lisbeth Witthøfft Nielsen
bookFilosofiens verden : Kritik - Etik - Pædagogik - Religion
Peter Kemp
bookOf Big Hills and Wee Men
Peter Kemp