
Summary of Everywhere an Oink Oink by David Mamet : An Embittered, Dyspeptic, and Accurate Report of Forty Years in Hollywood

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This book does not in any capacity mean to replace the original book but to serve as a vast summary of the original book.

Summary of Everywhere an Oink Oink by David Mamet: An Embittered, Dyspeptic, and Accurate Report of Forty Years in Hollywood


- - Chapter astute outline of the main contents.

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- - Exceptionally summarized content that you may skip in the original book

David Mamet, a renowned playwright, screenwriter, and director, shares his four decades in Hollywood, working with some of the biggest names in movies. He wrote dozens of scripts, directed eleven, and was fired off dozens of movies. In Everywhere an Oink Oink, he discusses the professionalism of the film set, the ever-fickle studios and producers, and the genius of those who made our finest movies. The memoir is illustrated with three-dozen pungent cartoons and caricatures.