
The Complete Christmas Stories of L. M. Montgomery. 14 short stories : The Red Room, A Christmas Mistake, A Christmas Inspiration and others

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With Christmas just a few days away, why not pause your regular reading and savor a Christmas stories by Lucy Maud Montgomery?

Christmas and New Year's is a season of celebration and reflection, of taking stock of the months gone by and looking forward to the year to come.

Here you will find 14 Christmas stories written by Lucy Maud Montgomery.

Treat yourself to some fireside reading and capture the holiday spirit with a bit of old-fashioned storytelling from Christmas past.


The Red Room

A Christmas Mistake

A Christmas Inspiration

The Josephs' Christmas

Aunt Cyrilla's Christmas Basket

The Osbornes' Christmas

Bertie's New Year

Ida's New Year Cake

The Christmas Surprise at Enderly Road

Clorinda's Gifts

The Falsoms' Christmas Dinner

The Unforgotten One

Christmas at Red Butte

Uncle Richard's New Year's Dinner